When you are looking Private Bali Transport and Transfer from seminyak to ubud, Kuta Transport is the right choice with delighted to serve you an comfortable car with friendly Bali driver Service.
Our comfortable cars with air-conditioning is featuring your tour more enjoyable, while our Bali Private Driver is always fully care, honest, friendly service to make your trip from seminyak to ubud more enjoyable and safe – Bali Transport Seminyak to Ubud
We also offers Bali Private Tour with personally tailored tours based around your own interests and what YOU want to SEE and DO in Bali. The tours designed with Private Car for Solo Traveller, Couple Treveller, Familly Treveller and Group Traveller and assisted by experience Bali driver with english speaking.
Bali Transport Seminyak to Ubud, Price :
1 until 5 persons : IDR. 200K/car ( Mini Van )
5 until 10 persons : IDR. 750K/car ( Big Van )
10 until 16 persons : IDR. 950K/car ( Special Big Van )
16 until 24 persons : IDR . 1.300K/car ( Bus )
- The price already include with 21% Government tax and Services
- Above price per Car maximum 5 persons
- Our team with kindly will waiting you in airport while bring sign board under your Name
- The private car with full Air Conditioning,
- Gasoline, Parking fees, Toll fee
How to make Booking :
▶ FOR LAST MINUTE Booking, please send your request
Via WhatsApp/Viber/imo/line : +6282144055762
Office Hour: 08.00 AM – 17.00 PM
Please fill in this RESERVATION FORM to make a booking or ask questions.